
How to achieve an authentic, confident communication and presentation style: through speech-writing techniques, performance coaching, confidence-building, and leadership skills.


How to achieve an authentic, confident communication and presentation style: through speech-writing techniques, performance coaching, confidence-building, and leadership skills.

Spirit Base offers courses in public speaking and presentation, in speech-writing, in leadership skills and in personal confidence development. Everything you need to know to become an effective communicator. 

Jill Meager

After studying modern languages at Cambridge, Jill worked briefly as a management consultant before becoming a professional actor, playing leading roles on stage, on TV and in film. She also worked as a stand-up on the London comedy circuit, writing and performing her own shows.

As a performance coach for the last 20 years, she has delivered programmes at Deloitte, EY, Sky, Christie’s, The Labour Party, Home Office, Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors, and many other London organisations, large and small. Most recently she has been working as a political performance coach and speech-editor in the Shadow Cabinet.

About Spirit Base


Spirit Base provides a range of courses in presentation and public speaking, leadership and personal development.

Contact details


+44 7799 413245


Presentation coaching

Leadership coaching

Personal coaching